The Gatherer’s Return

I caught Pidgin, Odie and Budo on their way back from gathering mushrooms and tomato’s earlier and snapped a few pics to share 😉

Gatherer's Return

Budo always gathers the mushrooms and Pidgin gets the tomatoes. Odie’s job is to carry the lantern as although its a beautiful day, some of the best mushrooms hide in the darkest of places 😉




Pssssst. Pidgin would also like to tell you that those tiny tomatoes are REAL! They are teeny tiny, called “Tomberries” and just right for dolls! So thrilled to find them! And they taste delicious too!



I had some post today 🙂 Its not a BJD but he will be a companion to some of my BJDs and because he was just packed so nicely I felt I just had to do a little box opening shoot for you 🙂

I ordered a custom troll from xBeautiful Creaturesx on Etsy on April 23rd. She doesn’t have slots open too often but I’ve been waiting and waiting for her to open again and was lucky enough to grab a slot a couple of weeks ago. I was expecting him to take a few weeks to be made but Chloe started working on him almost straight away and he was ready to be shipped home to me yesterday (5th May 2016).

I opened up the box and was greeted by an envelope sealed with a beautiful wax stamp, and three smaller envelopes.



Inside the larger envelope was a card with a little thank you note and his certificate. I always love it when I get a COA with my name on, it makes it feel even more special. I loved Cabbage Patch Kids when I was a child and I always loved that they came with an adoption certificate as it made them feel more “mine”; so I still love it now as an adult when I get something like this 😀 Inside the three smaller envelopes were some accessories I had ordered for my troll which are a journal, an axe and a wand.



The troll himself was snug as a bug in a rug, all bundled up nice and cosy in a lovely soft pillow secured round him with some string. I loved taking it out the box and seeing his little face and feet peeking out from either end ❤

I untied the strings and opened up the cushion and there he was!! I ordered him with this colour fur and the horns in that shape as I wanted him to be a little inspired by Ludo from Labyrinth and I couldn’t be more thrilled! He is just the cutest thing ever!


His arms move up and down too so you can pose him a little and he can hold his axe and his wand in his hands easily. He has told me that his name is Pidgin and he loves hugs 😀 He is going to be a companion to my Realfee and I hope to do some stories and things with them all soon. I would have taken a quick photo of him with them today but they are packed up in a case as we are off to a doll meet at the weekend so that will have to wait until I return home. I hope you like the look of Pidgin so far though! You’ll see more of him soon! And thank you so much Chloe for making him, he is perfect!