Small Comfort

A new little one arrived here recently. I had been waiting to do a little photo story but it needed to be outside and I wasn’t up to it and I was desperate to share him with you so I have taken some other photos instead. I will do the story of how he arrived here at a later date, but for now, I present to you baby Ambrose 🙂 He is a Small Comfort Baby. They were made by Felix Doll but they shut down and weren’t available for a while. Then another company picked them up and started producing them again but it seems they are now no longer selling them too which is a real shame 😦 I picked my little guy up second hand so I was very lucky. He actually came with a blank sleeping head but I got the head he is using from my best friend Emma. His faceup is by SherbetLollyDolly.


Before coming to me, he visited the wonderful Jenifer of Spampy Stuff who made him so clothes before sending him on here so he is very lucky to have an awesome little wardrobe of clothes. Thank you so much to Jenifer, everything is perfect as usual 🙂


I have shown him in a photo with a Pukipuki and a Littlefee so you can see his size. As you can see his body is smaller than a Pukipuki but their heads are pretty much the same size. My friend Emma has two Small Comfort babies; one with a Small Comfort head and one with a Pukipuki headback and faceplate on and it works very well. One day I may try Gus’s (my Pukipuki’s) head on the body just to see what its like but it wouldn’t be a permanent swap as I like them both as they are. So that’s baby Ambrose 🙂 Hopefully I’ll be able to do the little story I had planned of his arrival soon, I’ll post it here if and when I get the chance to do it.