Fashion Friday – 29th April 2016

Little Connie is back to model for us today. She was a little shy at first but was soon enjoying herself as usual 🙂 As always, her wig is from Fairyland and her eyes are from Mako, and for those that are new to us, Connie is a Fairyland Littlefee Baby Ruru with the default faceup.


Connie’s hairband is actually a hairband from H&M in the adults section. I got it a couple of years ago now but I have seen other similar ones in shops before. Her darling little doggy print dress is from Spampy, as her bobby socks; and her shoes are Hujoo size sneakers from Mimiwoo.


Dolly Mail – Friend & Fashion

I received some rather lovely mail this week that I thought I’d share with you all. The first thing to arrive was a new little friend for the dolls. He came from Hooked on Dodging Dusting and is just the cutest little two-toed sloth I have ever seen ❤ You have to keep an eye on their Facebook page to see when these little cuties are going to be released as they sell out fast. However, there are other animals that are available to buy straight away in their etsy shop.


Tabby also got some mail this week from one of our favourite dolly fashion shops, icantdance. We already had dinosaur overalls which Tabby has worn for Fashion Friday before but she was desperate to have a dinosaur strap dress as well so I’m sure she was thrilled to get this in the mail this week (as was I!). As usual, it is beautifully made ❤


I have added a little gallery below of some more pictures of the little sloth and Tabby in her new outfit. Now we just have to think of a name for her new little friend!



Mini Make: Cat Tease Toy

Today I decided to make another little toy for my BJD cat, Nala. I previously made her a cat tree (though I may remake it soon) and thought she could do with another toy that the BJD kids could play with her with. Tabby and Hanni decided to help me 🙂

First of all, you will need a lollipop, some feather trim (or just some craft feathers) and also glue and scissors which I forgot to picture.


Now the first thing you have to do, and its REALLY hard… is eat the lollipop 😀 You need to eat it because we want the stick! Of course, if you have some cake pop sticks or kebab sticks laying around at home, you can use those too but I think using a lollipop stick is much more fun. Hanni agrees 😀


Before we carry on, Tabby wanted to let you know that feather trim makes the most perfect feather boa for dressing up too 😉


When you have finished your lollipop, cut a piece off the feather trim and glue it to one end of the stick. The stick on this lollipop was plastic and hollow so I put a little bit of glue inside the stick and then stuffed one end of the trim inside the stick to make it more secure. I then put a little blob of glue on the other end of the feather trim to stop it from fraying. The End! One cat tease toy for your BJD cat!


Here are some extra pictures of Tabby and Hanni playing with Nala and her new toy (and the feather boa!). I think they all approve!