Dollstown 7 Years Ganga Arrives!

I realized that I completely forgot to share arrival photos with you of my beautiful Dollstown Ganga (on the 7 years body) who arrived a couple of weeks ago. I think I forgot because I immediately sent her head away the day after she arrived to get a faceup and she isn’t back yet so I was avoiding sharing too many pics of her until she is home and complete.

I did take a few pictures of her quickly though to show her posing so I thought I’d share those now before she gets back from being painted.

Her resin is the Pure Skin Oriental and she is on the new 7 years body which has double jointed elbows and knees. I ordered her direct from Dollstown and she was in stock so she came pretty quickly. I was surprised that they don’t come with an official box or pillow. She was just bubble wrapped and in a normal packing box, but she was totally fine and well padded so it didn’t matter. She did come with two COAs for her head and body but I didn’t take a picture of them.

Here she is straight out the box. Her resin feels lovely and is a really nice colour. The lighting wasn’t great when I took the photos so they don’t give a true representation of her colour so hopefully you’ll see that more in the future when I take pictures of her. I love her face sculpt, I think it will have many possibilities with regards to expression/emotion depending on the angle of photos and how she is posed etc. I’m pretty pleased with her body aesthetically. the only thing I am not keen on is her feet are a little small proportionately to the rest of her, and her ankles are a bit thick for me but otherwise, I love her. Her hands are beautiful!

Dollstown Ganga 7yrs

She can kneel really well, and in fact can rest back on her legs further than I have her in the picture below too. Her arms bend really nicely and hold their position pretty well. She wasn’t quite stable enough to stand on one foot but I think she will do it no problem with a bit of wiring or glue sueding. She stands pretty well though.

Dollstown Ganga 7yrs>

Dollstown Ganga 7yrs

She can sit really nicely, without falling back or anything; and you can get her to slump or slouch etc really well as she has a great range of movement with her torso. You can also bring her knees up and have her sit like that really well which is something I really love about her. I didn’t take a picture but she can sit sort of cross legged really well too so I’ll try and take one to show you when her head is back.

Dollstown Ganga 7yrs

Dollstown Ganga 7yrs

Her jointed torso means she can get into some incredibly bendy poses as shown in the photo. I’m not sure how often I’d want her to do that but perhaps she will be a gymnast! She is certainly bendy enough for it!

Dollstown Ganga 7yrs

Before I sent her head off, I had a quick play too to see if some of the clothes I’d got for her fitted and I’m pleased to report that they all do. I’m not entirely sure if she will keep that wig for the long term but it is certainly perfectly fine for now. So anyway, that was a quick look at my new girl (she has chosen the name “Olive”). I can’t wait to share more of her when her head is back. I’ve seen a picture of her faceup so far and she really looks fab!





4 thoughts on “Dollstown 7 Years Ganga Arrives!

  1. Sharon in Spain says:

    She’s really lovely even without a faceup, isn’t she! Several years ago Inhad a Ganga too in this same resin colour and sold her but have been looking at the Dollstown girls again…..l just need to make up my mind, do I want Ganga again or maybe Seola! Decisions decisions!

    • thelittlecupboard says:

      Seola was the other one I was considering too 🙂 I hope you get one! It would be one lucky doll to come and live with you, would be so beautifully dressed 🙂

  2. kristinmaw says:

    Oh I’m so glad you posted these! Her body looks great. I have been completely enthralled with this dolls since I started following Jane on Flickr last year (or maybe 2 years ago?). I’m not sure I can get my head around having a doll this size, but if I were to get one it would be a DT7. I like that they look like kids and I think it would be a really fun body to make clothes for. I’m excited to see more of Olive when you have her head back (that sounds so deranged).

    • thelittlecupboard says:

      Yes it was Jane’s girls that made me want to get one too and when I met her and Hazel a few weeks ago, I knew I had to make it a reality as soon as possible! They are big dolls but I think you’d get used to one pretty quickly 😉 When I started in the hobby, I had a Pukipuki and I said I’d never go bigger lol XD I do know that MSD is my limit though. I wouldn’t ever have an SD. I’ve seen Olive’s finished face up now and she looks fantastic. She should be home this week, can’t wait!

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